Together, We'll Fill Every Table!
We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transform the region's food safety net and change the lives of thousands of our most vulnerable neighbors.
Food providers in our region are feeding people with extremely limited resources - no storage, vehicles or staff - while the number of people lining up for their services continues to grow. All we need is 50 people in your community willing to step forward and be part of the solution. The Seacoast Regional Food Hub will solve this problem for more than 25 providers and 32,000 of your neighbors across the Lower Merrimack Valley. The best way to support food security in our region through a monthly donation. Will you invest in your neighbors? Don't want to give monthly? A donation of $1,500 will make you part of the Capital Campaign Community of Giving. If you're interested in giving more or spreading your donation out over 3 years, please contact Lesley.
“The Seacoast Regional Food Hub project appeals to us precisely because it ambitiously pursues solutions to a vexing regional challenge. That ambition is worthy of our additional support. Because we know that when this campaign concludes it will have addressed a vital need for the Lower Merrimack Valley to end food insecurity.”
- David Ives, Burch Ives Foundation Mail Check Donations to:
Our Neighbors' Table
P.O. Box 592, Amesbury, MA 01913 If you are interested in making a bigger donation or would like a tour of the facility, please contact Lesley Fawcett or 978-388-1907 x13.
Our Neighbors' Table is a registered 501(c)3 charity and all donations are tax-deductible in accordance with IRS guidelines. |