Introducing the NEW Our Neighbors' Table Salisbury Market!Seacoast Regional Food Hub Ramping Up!Though the Seacoast Regional Food Hub won't be fully operational until the end of the summer, ONT and its partners are already benefitting from more efficient access to their food deliveries from the Greater Boston Food Bank. Currently organizations from seven communities across the Lower Merrimack Valley, including Newburyport, Newbury, Salisbury, Haverhill and Lawrence, are now getting their deliveries in Salisbury, rather than trucking into downtown Boston. This summer we hope to begin to open up the 7,000 square feet of storage and 3,000 square feet of cold storage to our partners. Once fully operational, the Seacoast Regional Food Hub will give us the added storage and distribution to transform the region's food safety net! We continue to raise money for our capital campaign and need our community's investment to operate the hub debt free. Go to our website and get involved today! Save the Date: Trail to Table Walk, July 21Our Neighbors' Table's new facility happens to be located adjacent to the Salisbury rail trail along Route 1. So it seemed only natural for us to make the most of it and hold our first-ever fundraising walk! The Trail to Table Walk will be held Sunday, July 22, from 9 a.m. to noon, and will feature music, family friendly activities and a summer stroll along the marsh. Watch our events page and social media for details! Introducing the ONT Card
ONT Welcomes New StaffAs we scale our work to support providers across the region, we have added new members to our staff this spring. Our new team members are:
Volunteer Spotlight: Coastal Connections
2023 Annual Report Offers Deeper Dive into ONT
October 2024