Food Donations
Host a Food DriveFood drives are a great way to make a difference and can be done by individuals and groups of all ages and sizes. While many food drives take place in the late fall to early winter, we often find our food stock running low in July and August. Hunger is an issue year-round, so consider incorporating a food drive into your summer BBQ! For more information about hosting a food drive or to let us know that you're planning a drive, please contact Leanne.
For food donations, please remember to check that boxes and cans are not damaged or opened and that expiration dates are not passed. Health and safety regulations prohibit us from accepting foods prepared in private residences or at sites not certified and regulated by the Department of Public Health.
All food donations can be dropped off to our warehouse at the Seacoast Regional Food Hub at 114 Bridge Road in Salisbury, MA, or the Jardis-Taylor Center at 194 Main St., Amesbury. If you cannot drop off during these hours, please contact Leanne at [email protected] to schedule your drop off time.
Perishable Food DonationsDo you have an abundance of tomatoes in your garden? Have you run out of recipes to use all of the zucchini you've grown? ONT accepts donations of locally grown produce - both from local farms or backyard gardens! If you are a produce grower or a commercial food operation looking to donate perishable items for our programs, please contact ONT's office at 978-388-1907. Please note that we are unable to accept donations of prepared foods that have not been prepped in a ServSafe kitchen.