Our Coronavirus/COVID-19 Response -
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What We Offer
How You Can Help
About ONT
Job Opportunities
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Groups Volunteer Application
Volunteers under the age of 15 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Indicates required field
Primary Contact Name
Primary Contact Email
Primary Contact Mobile Phone
Primary Contact Work Phone:
Organization Name
Organization Address
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Primary Contact Job Title
Primary Contact Date of Birth:
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Do you or members of your group have any physical limitations?
If yes, please describe:
What type of group are you?
How many individuals are in your group?
Are members of your group under 18?
What are the ages of members of your group?
If members are under 18, please list an age range or grade range of the members in your group.
Please indicate your availability:
Weekdays (9am-5pm)
Weeknights (5pm-9pm)
Weekends (9am-5pm)
Please check all that apply. Don't worry, you will determine how frequently you want to volunteer. This gives us a sense of which programs may work best for your schedule.
Please share any comments about your availability here:
Our Neighbors’ Table Confidentiality Policy
It is the policy of Our Neighbors’ Table that its Directors, Staff and Volunteers will not disclose to the general public any personal information concerning guests, former guests, staff, volunteers or donors without their written permission, except as authorized by the Executive Director. (This does not include emergency situations when it may be necessary to summon the police or medical assistance.) Directors, Staff & Volunteers are free to talk about Our Neighbors’ Table and its programs and services, but they are not permitted to disclose guests’ names or to talk about them in ways that will make their identity known. Care shall also be taken to ensure that unauthorized individuals do not overhear any discussion of confidential information and that documents containing confidential information are not left in the open or inadvertently shared.
Directors, Staff and Volunteers are also not permitted to disclose or discuss confidential financial information pertaining to Our Neighbors’ Table without permission or authorization from the Executive Director.
Failure to adhere to this policy will result in discipline, up to and including separation of employment or service with Our Neighbors’ Table.
I have read Our Neighbors’ Table Confidentiality Policy. I agree to abide by the requirements of the policy and inform the Executive Director and/or the Compliance Officer immediately if I believe any violation (intentional or otherwise) of the policy has occurred.
I certify that I have read and agree to comply with ONT's Confidentiality Policy. I will ensure that members of my group will adhere to this policy.
What We Offer
How You Can Help
About ONT
Job Opportunities
Get Food
Our Neighbors' Table