Amesbury Market Returns to In Person Shopping! After three years of our curbside grocery model, Our Neighbors' Table has officially returned to in person shopping! While we didn't anticipate such a rapid shift in our programs back in 2020, we are still humbled by the response. Within just a few weeks of the world shutting down, ONT pivoted towards an online ordering system to keep people safe and well fed with almost no interruption. Over the next 36 months, we were able to serve over 88,000 grocery orders to 6,200 neighbors. In fact, over 3,900,000 pounds of food was distributed through the Jardis- Taylor Center during this time. We'd like to extend a sincere thank you to everyone involved over the last three years. During a time of change for many, you have provided a sense of stability with your time and or treasure. It's only fitting that we resume in person shopping on the 7th anniversary of the Jardis-Taylor Center; a market where guests can shop at no cost, but also feel a sense of community while pushing their cart. This time around, we have expanded our shopping area, so more guests can shop with lesser wait times. There will be volunteers every step of the way to help reach high items, answer questions, and restock the shelves, just like any other grocery store. Although our market reopened on Thursday, May 18, we hope you will join us on Thursday, May 25 at 9:30am for the official ribbon cutting! As always, thank you for your continued support. We'll see you soon! More Volunteers Needed ![]() ONT is fortunate to have a dedicated volunteer base. But with our programs re-opening, we have more shifts to fill and we need more volunteers to join our team! Current volunteer opportunities include: greeting and assisting guests shopping in the market, food prep and kitchen assistance for the Wednesday Community Meal, stocking shelves in the warehouse, intake of new guests and more. If you have never volunteered with us before, the first step is to fill out a volunteer application. You'll then register for volunteer orientation and after attending orientation you will be able to sign-up for shifts. If you have volunteered in the past, and would like to return, please complete our brief records update. Questions? Reach out to ONT's Community Engagement Coordinator Ben Quintal via email or at 978-388-1907 x10. Life Is Better Full
Summer Lunch Program Returns
Seacoast Regional Food Hub Update
Volunteer Spotlight: Ron Starr ![]() Ron Starr first got involved with Our Neighbors’ Table after semi-retiring in 2021. He sought something meaningful to occupy his time, and after a few nudges from his neighbor Lyndsey, he became a regular volunteer in our warehouse. When asked about his volunteer experience, Ron said that he thoroughly enjoys the shared sense of community, which makes it easier to connect with everyone. “Nobody has to be here, but we choose to be here today, it really makes the camaraderie easy.” Some of Ron’s most memorable moments have come from wearing his ONT T-shirt while picking up food orders during his shift. When people see the logo on his shirt, he often hears wonderful testimonials from current or former guests. However, Ron’s most memorable moment as a volunteer was when a store clerk decided to put out a donation cup for ONT. He couldn’t believe the amount of people willing to contribute! Ron has lived in Amesbury for over 36 years, although he has always been a North Shore resident. He grew up in Danvers before working as the Director of Media Studios at Northeastern University. He has also worked with local news channels and specializes in video production. In his free time, Ron enjoys spending time with his three grandchildren, who he sees about 5 days per week. He is also putting the finishing touches on his June wedding! We’re extremely fortunate to have volunteers like Ron on our team! Join ONT to Sponsor & Serve!
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![]() Ron Starr first got involved with Our Neighbors’ Table after semi-retiring in 2021. He sought something meaningful to occupy his time, and after a few nudges from his neighbor Lyndsey, he became a regular volunteer in our warehouse. When asked about his volunteer experience, Ron said that he thoroughly enjoys the shared sense of community, which makes it easier to connect with everyone. “Nobody has to be here, but we choose to be here today, it really makes the camaraderie easy.” Some of Ron’s most memorable moments have come from wearing his ONT T-shirt while picking up food orders during his shift. When people see the logo on his shirt, he often hears wonderful testimonials from current or former guests. However, Ron’s most memorable moment as a volunteer was when a store clerk decided to put out a donation cup for ONT. He couldn’t believe the amount of people willing to contribute! Ron has lived in Amesbury for over 36 years, although he has always been a North Shore resident. He grew up in Danvers before working as the Director of Media Studios at Northeastern University. He has also worked with local news channels and specializes in video production. In his free time, Ron enjoys spending time with his three grandchildren, who he sees about 5 days per week. He is also putting the finishing touches on his June wedding! We’re extremely fortunate to have volunteers like Ron on our team! Change is the Only Constant ![]() It seems this old adage was written for the last 3 years. ONT continues to adapt and evolve to meet the changing landscape of food security. From health protocols to supply chain, ONT has had to adjust its operations to maintain its standard of service to our guests. This Spring, we look forward to the next phase as we bring back in-person shopping and dining. External conditions continue to impact the risks of food insecurity. In 2022, inflation drove more and more people to our door, increasing new household registrations by 67% over 2021. In 2023, we face another crisis as pandemic-related SNAP funds are rolled back. We are working diligently with our partners across the Lower Merrimack Valley to ensure that we have both a strategy and the infrastructure we need to continue to meet the need. Our Village is as important as ever. Stay informed, stay engaged, help us stay the course toward a food secure region. Wishing you good health in 2023, Lyndsey Haight Food Security at Risk! One-third of the households served by ONT is enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) that provides the household with a funded debit card that can be used to purchase retail food items. In 2020, Congress eliminated the pro-rated benefit allotment based on an income sliding scale and provided every eligible household the maximum benefit. ONT anticipated the expiration of this program in Summer 2022 with a prediction of surges in need that would have rivaled Summer 2020. However, Congress delayed this rollback through year-end, allowing ONT to respond to and meet inflation-driven demand. This program is now ending and the final supplemental allotment will be sent to households in March, resulting in a loss of $90M PER MONTH from the Commonwealth’s economy come April. This will have a devastating impact on the local economy as more than 4,000 local households will lose a combined $665,000 every month. These funds helped seniors cover the costs of groceries so they could use their retirement income to cover property taxes and healthcare; families could keep their fridge stocked with healthy foods and still afford childcare and gas to get to work. How will this affect the local economy, businesses and employment? This loss of spending power equates to a loss of $7.86M in annual revenue for local grocers. To make up for that loss in revenue, businesses will have to consider cost-saving measures. This lost revenue is equivalent to wages for 231 minimum wage employees, who may now be at risk of lay-offs, driving even more people into financial crisis and increasing food insecurity. Read more about the SNAP Benefits Cliff here 2023 Outlook The coming year hold exciting progress for ONT and our partners toward the creation of the Seacoast Regional Food Hub. The Hub will provide critical shared infrastructure and collaboration with over 25 food programs, working together to establish a food secure region. Volunteer Spotlight: Jessica Switzer ![]() Jessica Switzer has been involved with Our Neighbors’ Table as a Spoon Platoon Member since before the pandemic. She started volunteering here in September as a way to further support her neighbors, while setting a good example for her children. “I have a 10 year old and a 12 year old. I want them to see that their parents are doing good because then they will grow up to do good..” Jessica is a staple of our evening Grocery Packer position, where she pre packages grocery orders that are distributed by the Newburyport COA. The evening grocery packing group works together after hours, which has brought them closer together. “I’ve made a lot of friends here. It feels like a community and people are excited to see each other. We always have fun and we always get our job done.” When asked about her most memorable moment as a volunteer, Jessica shared a story about a community member coming in for a “food emergency” situation. She was blown away by the amount of care and consideration put into her well being. “There were questions asked such as ‘are you safe’ and ‘do you need food immediately?’ She left with a lot of food and knowledge about various offerings in our community." Jessica grew up in the Metro Los Angeles area before moving to Newburyport about 15 years ago. While living in California, she started a charity group named “Hearts and Hands” which allowed highschool students to fulfill their community service requirements at school. The group would sort food donations for local pantries as a way of serving without being on site. Jessica is the Director of APAC Distributions at Cell Signaling Technologies. She has been with the company for over 20 years and currently serves as the chair of the Community Grants Program, which oversees their staff volunteer efforts. During the last week of February, Jessica and her coworkers have a conference in Singapore, where they will also be volunteering at a food pantry! Outside of work, Jessica enjoys cooking, riding her bike around town, and traveling to learn about other cultures and perspectives. Thank you for everything you do in your community, Jessica! News
One-third of the households served by ONT are enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) that provides the household with a funded debit card that can be used to purchase retail food items. SNAP plays a critical part in maintaining food security in our region and years of research has shown that SNAP is the most effective program to lift children out of poverty, improve academic performance and improve health outcomes for all ages. Moreso, SNAP has the lowest incidence of fraud of all government programs and puts tax dollars right back into local economies as money spent at retailers and farms. Typically a household’s SNAP allowance is determined on a sliding scale, meaning a family that makes the maximum income allowed will receive fewer SNAP dollars than a family with a lower household income. In 2020, Congress eliminated the pro-rated benefit allotment based on an income sliding scale and provided every eligible household the maximum benefit. So a single senior who was receiving $19/month before COVID, increased to $194/month during the crisis. Since this pandemic supplemental allowance was temporary, ONT anticipated the expiration of this program in Summer 2022, at which time we predicted a resulting surges in need that would have rivaled Summer 2020. However, Congress delayed this rollback through year-end, allowing ONT to respond to and meet inflation-driven demand.
How will this affect the local economy, businesses and employment? This loss of spending power equates to a loss of $7.86M in annual revenue for local grocers. To make up for that loss in revenue, businesses will have to consider cost-saving measures.
This lost revenue is equivalent to wages for 231 minimum wage employees, who may now be at risk of lay-offs, driving even more people into financial crisis and increasing food insecurity. ![]() Jessica Switzer has been involved with Our Neighbors’ Table as a Spoon Platoon Member since before the pandemic. She started volunteering here in September as a way to further support her neighbors, while setting a good example for her children. “I have a 10 year old and a 12 year old. I want them to see that their parents are doing good because then they will grow up to do good..” Jessica is a staple of our evening Grocery Packer position, where she pre packages grocery orders that are distributed by the Newburyport COA. The evening grocery packing group works together after hours, which has brought them closer together. “I’ve made a lot of friends here. It feels like a community and people are excited to see each other. We always have fun and we always get our job done.” When asked about her most memorable moment as a volunteer, Jessica shared a story about a community member coming in for a “food emergency” situation. She was blown away by the amount of care and consideration put into her well being. “There were questions asked such as ‘are you safe’ and ‘do you need food immediately?’ She left with a lot of food and knowledge about various offerings in our community.” Jessica grew up in the Metro Los Angeles area before moving to Newburyport about 15 years ago. While living in California, she started a charity group named “Hearts and Hands” which allowed highschool students to fulfill their community service requirements at school. The group would sort food donations for local pantries as a way of serving without being on site. Jessica is the Director of APAC Distributions at Cell Signaling Technologies. She has been with the company for over 20 years and currently serves as the chair of the Community Grants Program, which oversees their staff volunteer efforts. During the last week of February, Jessica and her coworkers have a conference in Singapore, where they will also be volunteering at a food pantry! Outside of work, Jessica enjoys cooking, riding her bike around town, and traveling to learn about other cultures and perspectives. We are very fortunate to have volunteers like Jessica at ONT! Thanksgiving Dinner Provided to 1039 Households! I hope you're reading this issue of Table Talk after enjoying quality time with your loved ones this Thanksgiving. Whether with family, friends or neighbors, we’ve all come to value quality time with one another more than ever. The last two and a half years taught us the power of community, the might of our village. Together we ensured that no one went hungry through the COVID-19 crisis. It will continue to take our entire village to ensure we catch those who continue to be impacted by rising costs and long-term effects of the pandemic. ONT is more committed than ever to move forward as a collective, bringing together our partners from schools, city departments, councils on aging and the community at-large to root out and address food insecurity across our region. Together, we have created a vision for what a food secure region looks like. Now, together we must set our strategic course and put the proper tools in place. Over the next two months you are going to hear from us that we need to hear from YOU. Whether you are a donor, a volunteer, a partner, or a neighbor; whether you have supported someone or you have directly experienced food insecurity, we need your input into our 3-year strategic plan. Mark your calendars and register now for our Community Forum, Tuesday, December 6, 5:30 at Newbury Elementary School. Click here to register You’ll also be hearing about the work that ONT and its Seacoast Food Provider partners are undertaking to ensure that our communities have robust food safety nets to catch anyone who needs it. Our Seacoast Regional Food Hub will provide critical shared infrastructure to grocery and meal programs across the Lower Merrimack Valley. Whether you can make a financial investment, give voice to those in need or spread the word among those who can help, you play a critical role in this Village bringing us closer to our goal of a Food Secure Region by 2029. You have my sincerest gratitude. Happy Holidays, Lyndsey Haight Executive Director Thank You for Attending the 2022 Annual Breakfast!![]() Presented by: Institution for Savings “It Takes a Village” was the theme of ONT’s 2022 Annual Breakfast and we were thrilled to gather with our village of donors, volunteers and partners on the last Tuesday in October at Blue Ocean Event Center. The Annual Breakfast is ONT’s true celebration of the efforts of so many to create a food secure region. Dana Marshall returned as our Master of Ceremonies, and Board president Eve Lee presented the Community Champion Award to our fellow Seacoast Food Providers. These organizations are dedicated to our shared mission of ending food insecurity in Northeastern Essex County. Thank you to all of the sponsors and donors who helped raise a record breaking $97,000! Volunteer Spotlight: Licia Britton![]() Licia Britton has been an active member of Our Neighbors’ Table for almost 15 years. She has played a vital role in many programs including our Warehouse, Market, and Wednesday Meal. Most recently, she has been a mainstay of our Guest Ordering position, where she assists guests who are unable to place their orders online. Our “Outbound Callers” have been instrumental in increasing food accessibility to our guests without computers or smartphones. When asked about her tenure at ONT, Licia says “I have watched the organization grow and the number of people we serve has grown, which is great to see.” Her favorite thing about volunteering has been building relationships with our guests, many of which she considers to be her friends. Read more about Licia in this month’s Volunteer Spotlight. Before moving to Amesbury 15 years ago, Licia lived in New York. Her favorite borough is Manhattan because of the amount of things to do at once. She has a background in finance, and spent most of her career with Fidelity investments. Outside of volunteering, Licia is usually working on her house. She also loves cooking and gardening. Licia is a longtime member of Saint Paul's Episcopal Church in Newburyport and loves it! Thank you Licia, for your continued support towards ONT and the personal touch you offer our guests with every phone call. We appreciate you! How to Help During the HolidaysThe season of giving is upon us! Our Neighbors’ Table services are only possible thanks to the village of volunteers, donors and community partners who make food security a priority. Here’s how you can help this holiday season:
News and Events
![]() “It Takes a Village” was the theme of ONT’s 2022 Annual Breakfast and we were thrilled to gather with our village of donors, volunteers and partners on the last Tuesday of October at Blue Ocean Event Center. The Annual Breakfast is ONT’s true celebration of the efforts of so many to create a food secure region. Institution For Savings has consistently supported the event as our Presenting Sponsor. Dana Marshall returned as our Master of Ceremonies, and Board president Eve Lee presented the Community Champion Award to our fellow Seacoast Food Providers. These organizations are dedicated to our shared mission of ending food insecurity in Northeastern Essex County. Many programs offered by the Seacoast Food Providers are completely or nearly all volunteer run. Despite financial hurdles, a global pandemic, and a weakened volunteer core, these organizations persevered to ensure everyone in our community is given access to healthy food. Seacoast Food Providers: Pettengill House; Among Friends Meal Program; Newbury Food Pantry; Rowley Food Pantry; Georgetown Council on Aging; Salisbury Council on Aging; Merrimac Council on Aging; Groveland Council on Aging; Abundant Food Pantry (Georgetown); Community Action, Inc; Amesbury Council on Aging; Our Neighbors' Table Thank you to all of the sponsors and donors who helped raise a record breaking $97,000! As we look to the future, ONT was excited to unveil the developing Seacoast Food Hub project that will increase food security across the Lower Merrimack Valley. See you all next year! Thank you to our 2022 Champion SponsorsSteve BlanchetteSteve Blanchette is no stranger to positively impacting his community. He currently serves on the finance committee at Newburyport Bank, The Firehouse Center for the Arts, Immaculate Conception Parish, and the Saint Basil’s Salvatorian Center. In 2017, he was looking for ways to positively impact his community and began volunteering in ONT’s warehouse. Since then, he has been a cornerstone of our Wednesday Meal by generously donating his time and resources through the Sponsor & Serve program. He first started at the meal to get involved in the community and teach his sons about giving back. He mentioned the importance of “teaching the kids that not everything is about us all of the time. We are in a position to help and it's important that we do.” Steve believes in treating every guest as though they are dining at a 5 star restaurant. Steve grew up in Georgetown before attending Pennsylvania State University. After graduating, he began work with Alliance Bernstein in New York City and subsequently moved to Newburyport in 2003. In his free time, Steve enjoys spending time with his wife, two sons, and Golden Retriever. He also enjoys skiing and playing soccer. The ONT Market and Meal Sponsor & Serve opportunities offer a unique chance for group volunteer service with a financial commitment. When the “serve” portion of the program was interrupted in 2020, Steve decided to continue his sponsorship and make frequent donations to the Wednesday Meal. When asked about why he wanted to continue his involvement in the program, Steve said, “We weren’t sure where the world was going to be headed at the time and we did not want to leave our ONT community hanging." Steve encourages participating in Sponsor & Serve to support both the volunteers and guests. “You are helping people who are hungry and also helping people who give up so much time for ONT. There is no downside whatsoever.” Thank you for all of your support Steve! Entire Interview:When/why did you first serve at the meal?
Not exactly sure, We got involved with ONT prior to the pandemic. I have to give my wife credit as she was seeking ideas to get our family involved with volunteering in the community. We found it important to teach our boys community ideals, and learned to help through my business. We sponsored the last time it was available to sit down in person. It was a great experience and we were able to treat the guests like they were at a 5 star restaurant. I tried to maintain how much I was giving throughout the pandemic. No one knew what to do when covid started so we stayed in touch to make sure that we could help. I realized I wanted to commit to something more substantial. I met with Lesley to figure out what I could do moving forward. We were able to still sponsor the meals even though we weren't’ hosting in person. What did it mean to sponsor through the pandemic even when you couldn’t serve? We weren’t sure where the world was going to be headed at the time and we did not want to leave our ONT community hangings. What was it like to come back to serve in 2022? It was different but it was rewarding and we were grateful for the opportunity. We saw a volunteer named Nancy (Linda) and how much she knew everyone, we felt like our job was to support her and let her engage with the guests. It’s amazing to see how much goes into the program. What is your favorite part of serving the Wednesday Meal? I felt such a great feeling from what I was trying to show my kids, I felt like that were spending our time selflessly and teaching our kids the importance of being around a community of people that want to help. Everywhere else you go, people are in it for their personal gain. We wanted something local. What would you like to tell others who are thinking of participating in Sponsor & Serve? I feel like its a great opportunity to get involved with the community. It's active- it’s an easy way to do something really nice and help those who need it. Not only the people who are being fed, but also the people who are providing the food. The volunteers have varying schedules and being able to provide an extra hand was a great feeling. You are helping people who are hungry and also helping people who give up so much time for ONT. There is no downside whatsoever. The volunteers have done it a million times and can guide you through the process! About Steve 1. How long have you lived in the area? Since late 2003. Almost 20 years. 2. Where did you grow up? Georgetown MA, went to school in PA and came back in 2003 3. How long have you been volunteering? Probably around 2017/2018 in the warehouse and started the Wednesday Meal right before the pandemic. 4. What do you love about volunteering? I love doing things like that with my family, feeling like we are doing something important and teaching the kids that not everything is about us all of the time. We are in a position to help and it's important that we do. Also, I love what I do for work but I like focusing on other things that don’t include me. I specifically enjoy making people feel at home when they come to ONT and reassure them that there isn’t anything wrong with shopping. Please share a memorable moment. It meant a lot to the guests to see young faces and treat everyone like they are at a 5 star restaurant. I remember a lot of nice smiles and grateful people. I also remember some people struggling and being able to help them carry things to their car. It felt good to go the extra step for people. 8. What do/did you do for a living? I am a financial planner, private wealth advisor, and owner of The Blanchette Financial Group, Inc. After a long career in the financial planning world, I knew I wanted to offer something beyond what the bigger firms delivered, personal touch and a real connection with my clients. I work diligently to help clients and their families achieve their very specific and unique financial goals. 9. What do you like to do in your free time? Do you have any hobbies? I love skiing with my family. I play men’s league soccer and I try my best to support the community. Spend time with my family and try to stay active. My dog is always in my shadow. 10. Are you involved in any other volunteer activities? My boys are getting older and I am trying to be with them as best I can before they go off to school. I've had to be a bit more selective with my time. He currently serves on the finance committee at Newburyport Bank, The Firehouse Center for the Arts, Immaculate Conception Parish, and the Saint Basil’s Salvadorian Center. Need is on the Rise Again
Presented by: | Join us for ONT's Annual Breakfast at Blue Ocean Event Center in Salisbury, MA! Tickets and Sponsorships are now available. See you there! |
Volunteer Spotlight- Steve Blanchette

Read more about Steve Blanchette Here
The ONT Market and Meal Sponsor & Serve opportunities offer a unique chance for group volunteer service with a financial commitment. When the “serve” portion of the program was interrupted in 2020, Steve decided to continue his sponsorship and make frequent donations to the Wednesday Meal. When asked about why he wanted to continue his involvement in the program, Steve said, “We weren’t sure where the world was going to be headed at the time and we did not want to leave our ONT community hanging." Steve and his family have returned to serve in 2022 and encourage participating in Sponsor & Serve to support both the volunteers and guests. Click this link to learn more about Sponsor and Serve!
Darling Consulting volunteers after their Market Sponsorship. | Sponsor and Serve DetailsWednesday Meal: 2 - 4 sponsor volunteers help package up to-go meals and pass them out the guests. Available Wednesdays from 3pm - 5pm. Amesbury Market: 4-6 sponsor volunteers help pack the customized grocery orders for guests. Available Thursdays - Saturdays for 2.5 to 4 hour shifts, timing based on the day. Sponsorship Cost: starting at $500 Next Steps: Interested in scheduling your meal or market sponsorship date? visit to learn more or to get your preferred date booked. |
Bring on Summer! Grocery Program is a Lifeline

News & Events
Welcome to our New Staff! ONT has recently welcomed a few new members to the team since January: Dan Brinkman, Office Operations Manager; Joanne Barnes, Director of Finance/HR; Nic Popoli, Warehouse Assistant; Brendan Burke, Associate Director of Supply Chain & Logistics; and Ben Quintal, Community Engagement Coordinator. They each play an important role in ONT’s mission to achieve food security in our region and we are so grateful to have them on the team! We’re still growing. If you’d like to join our team, visit | ONT Ambassadors Hit the Streets With safety guidelines in place, ONT is excited to be back out in the community hosting tables at our favorite events! Thanks to those who came to learn more about ONT at the Amesbury Block Party, the Amesbury, Newburyport and Salisbury Farmers’ Markets, Yankee Homecoming, and the Car Show! See you at the next event! | Local Leaders Deepen their Efforts Through ONT’s Food Security Advisory Group, our local superintendents, mayors, councils on aging and health providers have made food access a priority across the region. This leadership helped mobilize every sector at the outset of COVID. This year, leaders are ensuring their teams are informed and equipped to recognize and respond to food insecurity. |
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Food Insecurity
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